Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Privacy On and Offline

 Blog Post #7 

Privacy On and Offline

In the videos I had watched, there were a lot of issues that have affected me. I never realized the importance of being careful on social media until it hit me personally. I’m sure we have all had the talks with our parents at some point in our lives about the importance of being careful on social media but sometimes we don’t listen and there are consequences that follow. In each of these videos, there were many issues that are important and that really do have an effect on our lives especially because when you put something out on the internet it will stay there forever. 

These issues can affect me in many ways. It can be harmful with how everything online can be traced and tracked without us even realizing what is happening. There are many occasions where we either post things on social media and have some idea of how it can all be traced back to us whether it is good or bad, but beyond social media there are so many other things we don’t realize are being tracked as well. Nothing with technology is private. Even with emails that we think are private, they too collect data from us especially overtime because there is never just one single email. Data is collected through emails we send and given to the government, internet providers and email providers which we never really realize when we are in the moment of sending an email out or afterwards. By the time we realize who else has access to our data online it’s too late. Our data will live longer than we will and it can find out a lot about us that we don’t realize. We all know that the more we post or look up things on the internet, we put out more and more of our private information and now have a digital footprint that can cause more harm to us than we may realize. Technology takes away and causes us to lose control over our privacy and data. When it comes to us losing our privacy we lose the idea of it as well which can cause issues down the road and changes the entire meaning of privacy. 

It’s interesting to see how much the internet affects us today with the amount of privacy we have left from it. As much as we love to rely on technology especially with how the world is moving today, it causes issues for many and overall affects our privacy we have as people. You never realize how this will affect you until it comes to something bad happening which can happen at any moment. 

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